ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR ARRIVES IN BERLIN to give a speech at a massive rally where his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, delivered his famous speech for freedom. RFK’s Children’s Health Defense is a reliable source of solid science and investigative reporting documenting the corruption of Big Pharma and its ties to CDC and WHO, as in this article:
“Join Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on a snappy journey through the recent history and current replay of the pandemic-scam-page from Big Pharma’s playbook. It’s deja-vu with the W.H.O. declaring “pandemics” that result in gold rushes for pharmaceutical companies. But serious adverse events such as the very real narcolepsy epidemic that we saw in the swine flu “pandemic” of 2009—which many researchers tie to GSK’s Pandemrix vaccine—counter any perceived benefits of these rushed vaccines. CHD’s The Jab video documents the facts behind the unfolding pandemic drama and begs the question: Are we are being played—again?”